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Coinz Are Mine

Yandex is a competition for various Retro Computers including my beloved ZX Spectrum so it is no surprise that a really good one finds its way in here. Coinz Are Mine is an entry from Drunk Fly and IMO should have won.

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The Immortal Joystick

OK lets get this out of the way, this is a mini review and not an advertisment BUT he just started a Kickstarter for these amazing Joysticks so… Timing!

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or as I now call it… StarOnion! Why? Because I am an idiot and laugh at my own jokes! Starion was a new experience for me, one gifted to me by my friend PixelsAtDawn, he of Amiga mag fame.

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Manic Miner

Manic freaking Miner! The first game in a series created by the wonder and slightly sad case that we call Matthew Smith in 1983

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Say the words MJ Estcourt to any hardcore ZX Spectrum fan and 99% will reply with “Deathchase!”, 1% may mention Full Throttle but that comes later.