or as I now call it… StarOnion! Why? Because I am an idiot and laugh at my own jokes! Starion was a new experience for me, one gifted to me by my friend PixelsAtDawn, he of Amiga mag fame.

Assume, as I did, that this is yet another Star Wars type game or Elite and you would be incredibly wrong! I mean it does consist of sections that will remind you of the above games but it is so much more and what 3D shooty sections it does do it does them so well, even better than both games mentioned? You play to decide but for me, it was just great.
The meat however seems to be less in the shmuup sections and more in the collect letters that spell a word, a word that you then use to travel through space and time to get to a new section then repeat to fade, but in a good way. Alongside these sections you also get a History lesson, yes this is for want of a better word, edutainment! Now, I like that stuff but milage may vary amongst you, the reader. During the stream we tried to decide if kids were just cleverer back then because being asked in cryptic form who was the King of England in 1066 with (back then) no Internet to quickly Google it must have been devastating. The answer was yes, we just had more IQ, maybe…

Even if you do not want to learn, which was fun, there is more than enough game in here to keep you entertained and its available still in mint condition if you hunt on the world wide web for just a few quid, dollars, NOK and GTA Bucks. OK, maybe not the GTA Bucks.