OK lets get this out of the way, this is a mini review and not an advertisment BUT he just started a Kickstarter for these amazing Joysticks so… Timing!

This is my Immortal Joystick. There are many others like it and soon to be many more but this is my own. It is called Shirley. Honestly, it isn’t but who cares because it is amazing, really. I have made student maiming jokes about it many times because of its solid durability but one thing I will never joke about is how bloody good this truly is.
Solid build hiding excellent parts that are super responsive and works on multiple machines. The above is my Kempston for the ZX Spectrum but it will also work on Commodore, Atari etc or other systems with a simple adaptor for say the MSX.
I have said many times that it is the BEST modern made Retro Gaming Joystick and I stand by those words 110%. It blows the likes of the Monster out of the water and you will not regret purchasing an Immortal Joystick.

Its so good I even bought a second one with a custom paint job to match my Amiga with autofire and a switch to enable the second button as up for jump. I believe all the sticks on the Kickstarter come with up for jump switches and auto-fire.
The Kickstarter is now live at the time of posting this and you can find full details below. Suffice to say I have recommended this to many people in the past few months before he went global and nobody has regretted buying one! Go get your own! Click the link below and rest assured you are in for a treat.
Great job Andrew! Wishing you all the success as it is deserved!