Author: Hitch
Terrys Nostalgia
As an older guy I naturally have nostalgia for past days, especially ones based around holidays like Christmas. I like the Yuletide period. To me Christmas has always been about family, food and relaxing. The gifting of presents is nice, as is receiving, but its…
New Socks
See, I am not just about the Retro. Sometimes I am about the socks too! Plus I am drinking tea, with chocolate… in the tea. Nom!
Kid Niki – Ninja!
For many years I have always wanted to own Flynns Arcade from the movie Tron. Show me a kid my age who didn’t! Now I have one, of sorts, its been a very interesting ride even at this early stage. Take Kid Niki, Radical Ninja.…
Just wanted to throw a massive thank you to Pinge for the recent package of Arcade PCBs. Such a wonderful fella who will get massive hugs when I meet him, probably some beers too! The actual PCBs will be featured over time in here as…
Logic pro 2
Logic Pro 2 hails from Korea by Deniam Corp in 1997 making this a fairly new Arcade board. Cute and diminutive but still packing a gaming punch it is essentially Mine Sweeper in Arcade gaming form. It sits in a standard, upright cabinet and is…
Something… new!
So, I have decided to make this an actual full blog on my retro gaming life. This will include some Arcade PCB reviews, console mods etc and a little of anything related to me gaming be it on Twitch or just for myself. I should…