Lil’ Ninja


Ninjas eh? You couldn’t move for ’em in the 80s, they were everywhere. If you chucked a shuriken in a computer games shop back then, as well as a lifetime ban and a criminal record, there was a fair chance it would land on a game that featured ninjas. Ninjas have always been a big feature of 8-bit games from Clive Townsend’s Saboteur to System 3’s Last Ninja. (Which ironically wasn’t the last ninja, it wasn’t even the last Last Ninja).

Aside from the odd Ninja Turtle re-re-re-re-re-reboot however, you don’t quite see them so much these days, which I suppose is fitting as they do make a living out of being stealthy. What we have here though is a game that’ll bring back ninjas in a big way, or should that be lil’ way.

Lil’ Ninja sees you taking on the role of the titular tiny ninja, and your task is to rid 20 castles of pesky demons and restore order to the land.

The Ninja nightmare begins..


Lil’ Ninja is a game I played for the first time during a Twitch stream (I really want to get back to doing those someday) and I’m not too proud to say I had no idea what was going on. The first thing to strike me were the cute little graphics with LOADS of enemies bouncing about all over the screen like a kids’ party at an energy drinks factory.

Initially it felt pretty overwhelming, rather than using up to jump and fire to fire your weapon, you use down to chuck shurikens and the fire button is used to jump. Your main character moves at such a fast pace & so do your (many many) enemies, add to this the fact that it’s not immediately obvious what you are supposed to be doing and how you actually complete a level, and it can be a rather brutal experience.
Time to take a step back then & read the instructions! To progress through each level, you must collect a certain number of flaming torches from the castle. Each torch can only be collected once the requisite amount of demons have been destroyed, this is done by pelting them with shurikens and collecting their bouncing flashing souls (no really).

Fire in the fridge!

Once it clicks boy does it click! The feeling you get from suddenly knowing where to go and what to do is quite the rush. Before you know it, you’ll be firing off shurikens left, right and centre and dispatching demons, collecting the numerous power ups and ploughing through those levels. This is a real “in the zone” kind of game, think of how satisfying it is frantically mowing through enemies in Robotron or Tempest and you get the idea.

As anyone that knows me knows, I’m a sucker for single screen arcade action and this one really hits the spot. Everything fizzes & pops and the sheer number of enemies this game throws at you is so impressive, with the game never slowing down no matter how many of the little swines are on the screen or how many throwing stars you’ve thrown.

The power ups are really clever too, with seven different types regularly appearing to keep you topped up with various goodies.

As mentioned above the graphics are so cute, I love how much character John Davies gets into his “smol sprite” games and this is no exception.

Time to kick some demon bot butt


You probably have the impression that I enjoyed this one a lot, and you’d be right. In fact I don’t think it’s an exaggeration to say that once you get the hang of this game, it’s up there with Bomb Jack, Bubble Bobble and Black & White as one of the finest single screen arcade games to grace the ZX Spectrum.

The game is available on real cassette from Teknamic and I strongly recommend grabbing a copy as the presentation is just stunning. All in all, a pretty impressive package.


Release Date: 21 August 2023
Original Publisher: Joesoft
Machine Type: ZX Spectrum 48k/128K
Price: Digital Pay What You Want / Cassette: €7,90
Digital Download:

10 thoughts on “Lil’ Ninja

  1. This looks fun. Have I played this? No, I have not? I think?

    Looks great and you make my joystick hand itch with your review. Gonna jump on Itch after to see about it and get it on stream (yes, btw, you do need to stream again…. but i understand the need or lack of need to do it so you do you mate).

    Graphically this looks busy as all hell and the control scheme seems as if they dev(s) hate gamers but like you say, one will get used to it!

    Thanks Dave.

    1. This review makes me so happy. Finally someone who takes the time to get into the game, and gets it. Lil’ Ninja is my Lunar Jetman, only no where near as frustrating 😂

  2. Cheers Hitch! I don’t think I’ve seen you play it. I get the feeling it’ll either be something you click with or you’ll find it a flashing nightmare! Either way worth a go for sure.

  3. Had a good go at this tonight. Really fun when you get the hang of it. Love when you pitch up to the correct spot to catch a stream of demon’s souls while simultaneously wiping out a row of them bearing down on you. Really good review that put me on to it and thanks to John for making it!

    1. Fantastic stuff Peter, glad you had a go at it. This is exactly what me doing these reviews is all about. You’re so right, it really is satisfying lining up those demons!

  4. ‘lil Ninja! Not to be confused with Little Ninja on steam, or Mini Ninjas on PS3. We just love some tiny Ninja!!

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