Logic Pro 2 hails from Korea by Deniam Corp in 1997 making this a fairly new Arcade board.
Cute and diminutive but still packing a gaming punch it is essentially Mine Sweeper in Arcade gaming form.
It sits in a standard, upright cabinet and is quite rare though not expensive.

Gameplay is simple and addictive though not really my kinda of game and I personaly had sync issues with my GBS-C that I later fixed by pumping more power into the 5v that gave it stability. After this boost I found it strangely addictive and compelling but if in an actual arcade no way would I pump money into Mine Sweeper!

Nicely JAMMA’D up so no faff and a very small PCB so unlike most of my others this one sits away in a little box all unassuming until the day it comes out once again, which being honest will not be often. Maybe this one I should pass on to Mr Beanhed?
It is cute though! But it is no Super Shangai!