Category: Review
The Timeless Allure of the Super Nintendo: A Journey Through Pixels and Nostalgia
In the vast expanse of human history, there are certain artifacts that transcend the temporal confines of their creation. The Super Nintendo Entertainment System, or simply the SNES, is one such marvel.
Mine eye and heart are at a mortal war.
Heart of The Alien on Sega CD. Frustrating. Memorable. Unfair. Sublime. Entertaining and annoying in equal measure. What a game. Having recently completed it in two parts on Twitch I may even tag it as the best of its genre.
Kid Niki – Ninja!
For many years I have always wanted to own Flynns Arcade from the movie Tron. Show me a kid my age who didn’t! Now I have one, of sorts, its been a very interesting ride even at this early stage. Take Kid Niki, Radical Ninja.…
Logic pro 2
Logic Pro 2 hails from Korea by Deniam Corp in 1997 making this a fairly new Arcade board. Cute and diminutive but still packing a gaming punch it is essentially Mine Sweeper in Arcade gaming form. It sits in a standard, upright cabinet and is…